Daylight Students Celebrate Traditional Art, Music, and Dancing

Celebrating Kenya’s rich indigenous cultures is a huge value at Daylight School. We want our students and staff to be connected to their tribal roots. Daylight holds traditional cultural celebrations where our students and staff experience the beauty, joy, and rich traditions of nomadic life in northwestern Kenya.

We invite local tribal elders to come to the Daylight campus to share traditional music, dances, and art from the tribes of northwestern Kenya. Our students learn about their history and celebrate the deep traditions. We believe this is so important because during the British colonial rule of Kenya (prior to Kenyan Independence in 1963) many schools did not allow students to celebrate their traditional culture. Daylight chooses to lift up traditional culture. When Daylight hosts visitors we are proud to show them what is beautiful and unique about northwestern Kenya’s nomadic culture, music, and art.

Our students work with their classes to prepare dances, songs, and decorations for these event. They are a celebration and a talent show for our students to show their musical and artistic skills.
Griffin, in 8th grade, loves these celebrations! He is an outstanding dancer and looks great in blue paint!
Thank you for supporting our students and staff. Together we are raising a generation of young leaders who celebrate their community and are studying hard so they can be valuable members of Kenya’s future.

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