Kimpur Relatives Victims of Armed Raid

My mom and brother have lived their lives our small village of Allale. They have lived on cows milk, goat meat, and fetching water from the river. They have never had electricity or running water in their simple hut. So it was a tragedy when armed raiders came to their home with guns and stole their herd of cattle. They made off with their life savings, source of food, and livelihood. My brother used a cell phone provided by me for times of emergency. He called the police in a nearby town to report the theft. The police man gave chase in their vehicle and were able to stop the thieves a days journey across the border in Uganda. Thankfully the cows were returned to my mom and brother. And no one was hurt.

However, many are not so blessed. Few cows are returned and many people are shot in these robberies.

Daylight is working to stop cattle stealing in the rural villages by teaching people other life skills so they can learn to count money and read. This allows them to sell cows in the market and pursuit other means of employment.

Thanks you for praying for my family and supporting Daylight,

Michael Kimpur
Kenya Director

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