Rachel Finsaas and the Snake Clan

Rachel Finsaas, our U.S. Director of Operations, has just left with a college student named Kirsten to spend a month at Daylight. She will be doing program development strategy workshops with the teachers and staff at Daylight, helping Daylight US and Daylight Kenya develop the best practices for communication and partnership. So please pray for travel mercies on them both.

I thought it would be fitting to share a picture and a quote from Rachel’s Last Trip to Alale village in 2011.

Rachel standing center with Michael Kimpur’s extended family in front the family hut with Peter (Daylight’s outreach coordinator) in the blue plaid and khakis

“One of the Snake clan elders approached me and told me that I am of his clan now. He explained that I know more about the Pokot now than many of the Pokot men my age, and that I should become an elder one day (even though Pokot elders have always been men). I think he was impressed by this and wanted his clan to have bragging rights in the future.” — Read more.

And a big THANK YOU ASANTI SANA to those who gave towards the 2 acres of land. We were able to purchase the land and now we have enough space on the new Daylight campus to fulfill our 10 year goal of becoming a K-12 School! Thank you!

Nathan Roberts
Daylight US Director

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