Wrestling with Tough Questions about God

Daylight board member, Andrew Ulasich, has an amazing heart, and is a wonderful storyteller. He is also a creative theologian. And in a recent sermon he wrestled with a question that has plagued him since he spent a year serving women caught in sex trafficking in Nepal:

Can I honestly share with girls in brothels that there is a good God who cares about them?

He explains, “I am leery of easy answers that explain away suffering without respecting the gravity of people’s pain. I even find rational theological arguments out of place when it comes to the lives of individuals suffering the greatest injustices in this world.”

At Daylight, children come orphaned and disabled by conflict, in need of food, clean water and health care. These realities, if faced honestly and with vulnerability, are overwhelming and can often bring one to question the goodness of God. But Andrew discovers throughout the Scriptures, and his faith journey that God suffers with and for God’s people. And we see this most clearly in Jesus’ love of the vulnerable and hurting people.

You can listen to the rest of Andrew’s story as he wrestles with the hard questions that arise when confronted by overwhelming poverty and suffering that is all too prevalent in this world, and discovers a God who suffers with humanity.

Hear Andrew’s story.

Also, a big thanks to board members Andrew, Lauren, and Matt for raising $1000 at a benefit concert and silent auction!

Nathan Roberts
US Director, Daylight Center

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