New Pipes for a Well, and a Life Saved

The work at Daylight is always a mix of blessings and difficulties. And last week was no exception.

After the benefit concert in June, Michael Kimpur and Peter Losenguria were able to purchase new piping to fix the well in Michael’s home village of Alale. We have been blessed by so many parents wanting their children to go to learn to read and write at the Alale Nursery School!

Attendance at the nursery school is up from 30 in January to 100 today! Michael and Peter are so excited to fix the well so that the kids can get water during classes and dishes can be washed without dirty river water.

However, their trip was delayed when Michael and Peter received a call from Peter’s home village of Ompolion. Armed raiders attacked a friend’s homestead. During the raid, the friend had been shot and needed to be taken to the hospital. Michael and Peter drove 8 hours in the opposite direction of the well they intended to fix. When they arrived at the friend’s home it was clear he needed immediate medical attention from a gunshot to the abdomen.

Michael and Peter drove him 10 hours to a hospital where he is still in critical condition. Please pray for his healing, and peace and comfort for his family.

This news remind us of the importance of Daylight’s work. We save lives. And we are raising a new generation of leaders to bring peace, stability and development so that nomadic people will stop fighting over natural resources in the desert region.

Thank you for partnering with us in this work,

Nathan Roberts and Michael Kimpur
Co-founders and Directors

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