Scholarship Program

Donate to help students that cannot afford to attend school!

Your monthly contribution of $60 covers the costs of one student’s school journey and education. Your dollars provide one student’s educational supplies, books, school uniforms, breakfast, and lunch for a whole month!

Please register online below, or if you prefer to mail in your donation please download and print this form and include with your payment.

Online Forms Powered by DonorSnap

Giving Guide:
A monthly gift of $60.00 sustains the classroom experience and education of one student. .

Letter-Writing Prompts to Your Sponsored Student:

In your letters we encourage you to connect over interests and activities. Please avoid talking about things you own. If you send a picture of your family please do not include pictures of your home or things you own.

Why are you excited about about supporting this child?
What do you hope the child will learn at School? (This could be a truth or skill.)
What do you want this student to remember when facing discouragement?
What are your closest family members like?
What do you like to do when your extended family gets together?
What is your typical day like now?
What do you do at church/work/school?
What do you like most about your hometown?
What are some interesting facts about your state/province/region?
How do you relax?

Letters can be mailed to Daylight US PO Box and they will be delivered to Daylight Kenya quarterly.

Daylight Center and School
PO Box 40533
Saint Paul, MN 55104
