Before proceeding to high school, students in Kenya must sit for the KCPE examination at the end of primary school (Grade 8). The results of this exam determine which secondary schools students are eligible to join based on their performance. The Ministry of Education conducts the registration of high school candidates during the student’s 8th grade school year. Students are typically given the opportunity to select more than one choice of school during the admission process. After receiving their placement letters, students report to the secondary schools that they have been allocated to for registration.

Overall, the decision on which secondary school to attend in Kenya is influenced by a combination of academic performance, personal preferences, family circumstances, and available options.

  • The Scholarship team then identifies families living in need of education/financial assistance. By meeting with the students’ families personally, with home visits, the team gains a more in-depth understanding about the their living conditions and financial situation.

  • The team follows-up on referrals and recommendations from trusted sources, such as community leaders, religious organizations, social workers, and local authorities to help identify families in genuine need of support.

  • Candidates are chosen based on financial need, relationship to Daylight Model School and the annual budget.

  • Mukusu Scholarships apply to junior and senior high and possibly to postgraduate students. The scholarships are intended to support, primarily and initially, Daylight Model School alumni.



  • Once enrolled, the Scholarship Team tracks the progress and academic performance of our students to ensure successful completion of secondary school, through a caring mentorship program.

  • Scholarship outcomes will be reported by the Scholarship Team (student’s grades, attendance records, student photos and letters to donors.)

  • Medical, family, and emergency personal needs are taken care of on an individual basis.

  • The Scholarship Team provides annual reporting to key stakeholders with outcomes-to-date. Monthly financial records (income, expenses, bank records) will be submitted to the U.S. Board by the Scholarship Team. (School fees, boarding fees, food allowances, school uniforms, transportation, medical, activity, learning materials, exam fees.)

The Mukusu Program aims to work at the household level where it is possible to improve the livelihood potential of caregivers to support the family for the long-term. Ultimately, the aim is to create positive, lasting impacts on families, contributing to overall community development and resilience.

The Scholarship Team is composed of internal and external stakeholders with adequate professional expertise, and adequate demographic representation.

All pre-due diligence (including screening) will be administered by
the Scholarship Team.

The Scholarship Team has the responsibility for interviewing
and selecting applicants. All final selections will be made by the Scholarship Team.